We pride ourselves on building and maintaining strong business relationships. Supported by a team in TDP India, our work is focussed on the requirements of The Modern Slavery Act 2015. All reasonable and practical steps are taken to check that our required standards are being met throughout the supply chain. We encourage transparency and open communication with management and workers.
The principles of our Code of Conduct are aligned to the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI).
- No child labour
- No forced labour
- Anti-bribery Policy
- Equal opportunities/no discrimination is practiced
- Freedom of Association and the right to collective bargaining is respected
- Safe and hygienic working conditions
- Compensation – fair wages and benefits
- Working hours are not excessive
- Protection of the Environment
- Respectful treatment of workers
We are a member of the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange. Sedex is a membership organisation for businesses committed to continuous improvement of the ethical performance of their supply chains. Sedex provides a platform for buyers, suppliers and auditors to store, share and report on information related to performance around labour rights, health & safety, the environment and business ethics www.sedexglobal.com
For further information regarding our work on responsible sourcing please contact us